
  • university of california student

University of California Students Push for Essential Recovery Programs

The University of California Student Association is pushing for collegiate recovery programs at all UC campuses to support students dealing with addiction. Currently, these programs are available at about half of the UC campuses. Addiction on Campuses Across the US The University of California is not alone when it comes to addiction and substance use.

  • college students oblivious to dangers of fentanyl

Campus Opioid Safety Act Will Help Save Lives from Fentanyl

California's new Campus Opioid Safety Act goes into effect on January 1, 2023. Officials call it a bold measure that will save lives, providing fentanyl and addiction education, information, and Narcan, the FDA-approved opioid overdose reversal drug, on all college campuses in California. What Is the Campus Opioid Safety Act? The Act was recently passed