Monthly Archives: December 2016

  • synthetic marijuana is an emergency

AMB-FUBINICA: Dangerous Drug Marketed as Synthetic Marijuana

Authorities investigating the composition of the dangerous synthetic drugs distributed over the summer across the US have found a dangerous drug masquerading as “synthetic marijuana.” The drug, tested not only from the leftover samples but also from subjects after it metabolized in the body, may be marketed as marijuana, but its effects are dangerously foreign

AA Meetings Orange County, CA – Anaheim

There are many points of entry into the AA community in Orange County, California. You can be sure that if you find one meeting you’re connected and can find other meetings through word of mouth or by picking up a meeting directory. With over 1,500 meetings to choose from, Orange County is one of the

The Importance of Outreach Calls

In the program of Alcoholics Anonymous there are tools outlined to help its members stay sober. One of them is phone calls. Someone new to recovery might question how a phone could keep them sober. Here we outline how it works: CRAVINGS There are people who have 3 days of sobriety, while others have 30